New Patients

Registering With Us

New patients are always welcome and when you come along to register you will be asked to complete some forms. Forms cannot be submitted via this site. These will consist of a GPR Form which is used to send registration details to Practitioner Services a patient questionnaire, and an ethnicity form which allows us to provide medical care in the interim period while your medical records are being transferred from your previous Practice. Under the new contract you are no longer registered with a specific doctor instead you are registered with Portland Surgery. You will be required to present a form of identification on registration such as birth certificate, passport or driving licence.

If you require any help in completing the registration forms the reception staff will able to help you.

Our Practice Area

The following areas are covered by this practice: Troon, Barassie, Loans, Auchengate, Dundonald.
Symington and Monkton 
at Practice discretion.
We accept people onto our list who reside in these areas without exception. The practice operates a non discriminatory policy in accordance with NHS regulations. We are, however, unable to accept individuals who live outwith these areas.
Patients will be registered with the Practice but may see the Doctor of their choice. If you move out of the Practice area you will need to register with a new Practice.

Practice Charter: The responsibilities of patients

Our aim is to provide our patients with an effective and caring service. It is the responsibility of patients to help us in delivering their health care.

Patients have a responsibility to keep their appointments with us and to inform us, in good time, when they are unable to keep those appointments. This allows the reception staff to offer those appointments to other patients.

Patients who persistently fail to attend for appointments will be informed by letter that should this behaviour persist, they will be removed form the practice list. Those patients who continue to offend will be removed from the practice.

We take this action because failure to attend for appointments results in other patients being disadvantaged, and having to wait longer than necessary for appointments.

Patients who persistently request emergency appointments without good reason will also be removed from the practice list.

Registration Forms

Non-urgent advice: Please note

We need both ethnicity and child/adult questionnaires along with your registration form.


Please be aware that you are registering with the GP Partnership. We have 2 Practice buildings in Troon (Meadowgreen Surgery and Portland Surgery) and at times patients will be offered appointments at either Practice site depending on what is available. Please note that some services are not available at both sites. We will always try and appoint you at the Practice of choosing but sometimes this may not be possible.